KR releases latest version
of KR-CONThe Korean Register
(KR) has launched the 20th version of its KR-CON, a digital database that
contains almost all the international conventions and other instruments from
the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The program, which
was developed and launched in Korea in 2000, has been used by seafarers,
onshore support staff, maritime educational institutions and governments around
the world for more than 20 years.The latest version of
KR-CON has been updated to improve the system’s speed and stability, enabling
users to install the USB version of the database directly onto a computer.
There is also a version of the system that can be installed via the web to
improve its speed of use. “The 20th version of
KR-CON has significantly accelerated the speed of the program through two types
of installation versions and improved its stability by allowing the program to
be driven directly on a PC, thereby overcoming the limits of the USB
performance," said Jungkun Lee, General Manager of KR’s Convention &
Legislation Service Team. “We will continue to
improve the program with changes that reflect our customer's needs for a better
user experience,” he added.The 20th version of
KR-CON also includes amendments to SOLAS, MARPOL, and other procedures and
guidelines adopted by the 31st Assembly of the IMO, the 104th Maritime Safety
Committee (MSC), and the 77th Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in
2021. The database will be continuously updated to reflect any revised
documents adopted in the future.KR-CON is available
via website, USB, mobile application, and web installation version, providing
IMO conventions, codes, resolutions, and circulating documents.Further details can be found on KR’s main website
( and the KR-CON website (△Image
of 20th Version of KR-CON USB